Zadal jsem příjmení na ruské mystifikačně mystické stránce a dozvěděl jsem, že vyvolává (to příjmení) pocit mužnosti, chladu, hrubosti, hrbolatosti, nebezpečí a hranatosti. Je facht, že si hranatě tu a tam připadám. Prý jsme též silně duchovní dítka štěstěny, citliví, kreativní, odolní, cílevědomí individualisté. Nu pořád lepší než prvorepublikový Slovník spisovného jazyka českého, který v tom má jasno: kostohryz = pes. No to ale musel bejt tenkrát mejdan!
(pokračování pod obrázkem)
Trávím víkend v Suchumi, dopsal jsem a chystal se na pláž, ale jednak najednou začalo pršet a jednak jsem si nevzal z Gali plavky, takže mi nedalo a vrtal jsem se dále. Ve výsledcích předválečného amerického sčítání lidu jsem našel 358 záznamů s příjmením Kostohryz, což ve srovnání s dnešními 171-i zní dost hrozivě. Dalších sedmdesát let a bude v USA jenom 80 Kostohryzů! A jestli bude stejným tempem pokračovat dál, za 420 let tam nezbyde ani jeden. Nepatrný pokles lze zaznamenat i v české statistice, což umím vysvětlit jen tak, že se mezi kostohryzy rodí více holek než kluků, jež pak mění příjmení. By se mělo zakázat, ta změna příjmení alespoň.
12 komentářů:
I was born a Kostohryz, but changed it when I got married. Now not married, I should change it back to keep the name going!
Absolutely! :)
You sound like the most interesting Kostohryz. My grandpa's name was Kostohryz, (as was mine until I got married as I said in my previous comment - working on the name change back!) He died when my mother was 2, so I never got to know the Kostohryz side. Nice to finally chat with one. Hope you have a great day.
Cheryl Kostohryz Johnson
Thanks, Cheryl, a nice day to you too, mine is just starting. Do you know where your grandpa / his family may have come from? Btw. Kostohryz certainly sounds much more exciting than Jonosn :)))
Yes. I am tired of Johnson. Most people can't pronounce Kostohryz though, so they just called me Cheryl K. Nice that you can post with a picture! I can't figure out how to do that. His name was Vernon Kostohryz. He was born around 1920 and his parents were born in Hungery. How many hours ahead of me are you? I'm in Minnesota.
If I see correctly, I am 9 hours ahead, currently in Georgia, the country at the Black Sea coast. I work here, far enough from the sea :) The pic next to the post comes with the blog, no extra effort needed at my end, btw. Also, Hungary, mmm, the name is very southern Czechia (Bohemia), where most Kostohryz' come from originally. I'd be interested to hear what the American pronounciation of the name is, in Czech it sounds more like Kawstawhryzz with the 'z' pronounced like in 'zoo'. :)
So It's the middle of the night for you now. I'm just getting ready for dinner. I pronounce it kind of like this Ka store iz, if that helps. I had always heard it was Bohemian, and I'm not sure how they got to Hungary. Proving I'm not a robot is difficult. All the letters run together and I can't tell one for the next! Wish me luck for guessing it right.
Let's see if I can get a picture attached.
Thanks for telling me where Georgia is. Geography lessons in the US are nearly non-existent. Good thing for Google. I'm really not trying to be a typical dumb American when it comes go geography; it's sad, really, that I didn't know exactly where it was...but I do now! Thanks for enlightening me. Have a great and peaceful Sunday.
A small country. Most of my countrymen would not be able to find it on the map. For Americans the trick is always to distinguish between Georgia that has capital Atlanta and Georgia with capital Tbilisi, that's why I noted I was in the latter.
Thanks, I won't feel bad then. I'm sure your Georgia is far more exciting then US Georgia, although I've only been to the airport there, so can't say for sure! Sounds like you travel a lot for your job. My travel has been limited to the US, except for a couple of brief trips into Canada. Someday I'll get to Czechia to see where the Kostohryz name came from. I've been told by someone who visited there that,
I "simple must go". Probably should learn some Czech first...
I asked my mother how the Kostohryz folk got from Czechia to Hungary. She asked where the countries were in relation to each other. I said right above each other. She said, Probably walked". Thanks mom! Very helpful.